Friday, May 4, 2012

Pintrest and Education

Pintrest and Education. Time-Saver or Time-Sucker?

I was browsing Pintrest last night and while I was pinning useful ideas for classroom use I started to wonder, are these things that I will actually implement? On Pintrest you can pin anything from craft ideas, to Common Core Curriculum materials. The array of things that are available on this online smorgasborg is neverending it seems!  Has Pintrest taken over the days of the Mailbox magazine? It seems like Pintrest for the classroom may be a better version of what the Mailbox and teacher subsciption magazines used to offer us. Instead of those subscriptions costing the teacher or the district money, Pintrest is free of charge. Instead of getting dusty on the teacher's lounge shelf, Pintrest is kept handy at all times right on a smart-phone, tablet, or Laptop. So for now I will continue to pin away in the hopes that some day (Summertime I'm sure) I will have the time and resources to bring these wonderful ideas into my classroom.


  1. I wrote a pinterest also for one of my blogs. I had no idea there was anything to do with teach or education involved with it. I thought it was just more a social thing for facebook.

  2. Believe it or not, I have actually used a few of my "pins" in my classroom. Although there are many more pins that I will probably never use, it never hurts to build collections of teaching resources - either in binders or the virtual world. Something that does bother me are the many pins that end up being something you have to purchase to use. Ugh (lol). Happy Pinning! :)

  3. I have never been on pintrest but I have heard many things about it. After looking at the article, I can see different ways to use it in the classroom. You made an excellent point about how it is easily accessible through phones and the internet rather than 1 book that a district may have. I am going to check this out!

  4. I too am addicted to pinterest. Found a few cool teaching ideas on there. I keep saying "this summer I will....". Haha we will see!!
