Sunday, May 13, 2012

Collaborative Team Teaching in 2013?!?

This blog is in response to an EDUtopia blog I read regarding Collaborative Team Teaching or CTT. I personally take particular interest in this as myself and another teacher are thinking of team teaching for 2 subjects next year. One quote that stood out to me was, "Both teachers must come to a mutual agreement that they are equals in the classroom, and students must perceive both teachers as invaluable members of the classroom community." (Marisa Kaplan) I agree with this. I think that we occasionally forget how many decision we make daily in our classroom. Our time truly is our time when we are teaching. When you commit to team teaching you have then committed to sharing time with another teacher. If both teachers are flexible and dynamic it shouldn't be a problem. I am looking forward to the challenges and the new experiences that team teaching will bring next year. I am also grateful for new administration who will allow teachers to form professional learning communities and the ability to team teach,

1 comment:

  1. You make a very clear point. While my district doesn't team teach, they have us collaborate as a department. In order to become a model plc we administer all the same chapter, unit, and final exam tests. We are supposed to try to move towards having 60% of the same lessons and activities the next school year. While I like the idea and data shows that as a district it is good, my department tends to be lazy. So the thought of 'conforming' to 60% of the same 'publisher created worksheets' makes me sick :-/
